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Thank you for you interest in helping us keep our airport links current.
The links we display in the "Other pages about Fergus Falls Municipal Airport-Einar Mickelson Field" section are links to informative pages about the airport and its operations. We do not display in this section any links to pages of a commercial nature. If the page or site you are reporting is for an FBO, business, organization (event if non-profit), or service offered at the airport, please click here to request a business listing (charges will apply).
We are currently featuring a link to http://www.ci.fergus-falls.mn.us/index.asp?Type=B_BASIC&SEC={6362A7EF-126F-4694-9568-23D51B3A6337} on the Fergus Falls Municipal Airport-Einar Mickelson Field page. Are you reporting a problem with this link, or suggesting a new link?