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City of Evergreen (FBO)

at Evergreen Regional Airport/Middleton Field

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Did you know that over 35,000 unique visitors per day come to seeking information about airports and the services available there? And that over 620 each month specifically look for the Evergreen Regional Airport/Middleton Field?

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Comments from AirNav users
Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From F Brown on 17-Dec-2022

  Had to stop in yesterday so a friend could attend a family funeral. The manager was great when I called and greater when I arrived. Great airport, great FBO management, new crew car, etc. Fuel was lower than most as well. The military uses the field for training so you may get some instructions from someone even though technically it is CTAF and uncontrolled. They were simply helping with separation.
From Dana R. Thomas on 17-Mar-2022

  Tried stopping there after dark a couple times last month to refuel, but the pilot-controlled lighting on the field didn't work either time. I've used this field A LOT over the last couple years, and never had a problem before. Please fix! Thanks!
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