Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From M Hounslow
on 10-Jul-2022 |
Taxi in and the Unicom fires up...." Our self-service pumps were hit with lightening, they are NOTAM'd out." You can go to Louisa or Culpepper. Pretty silly to advertise you have fuel at $5.90 when in reality the only fuel is 15 miles away and costs $7.30/gallon. And yes, I missed the NOTAM, I used AirNav to find the airport fuel costs. It's tough to operate on a budget these days.
From Barry Cohen
on 20-Mar-2022 |
Pretty disappointing, came in as they advertised reasonably priced SS 100LL fuel. There was no posted price and after fueling, I realized they'd changed much higher prices than AirNav and Foreflight were posting and I ended up paying exactly the same per gallon price as I'd just filled up Full Serve at Signature!! Needless to say, won't be making another "bait and switch" cheap fuel stop at Orange County. Response from Paul Weber, Airport Manager, Orange County Airport Gentlemen, although your comments are over a year old, I would like to say that KOMH has a new Operations Manager and we do our very best to ensure that the posted prices are accurate and fair. I encourage you to try Orange County Airport again!