FAA Identifier: | 77F |
Lat/Long: | 31-56-49.8991N 099-59-09.0602W 31-56.831652N 099-59.151003W 31.9471942,-99.9858501 (estimated) |
Elevation: | 1871 ft. / 570.3 m (surveyed) |
Variation: | 08E (1980) |
From city: | 2 miles SW of WINTERS, TX |
Time zone: | UTC -6 (UTC -5 during Daylight Saving Time) |
Zip code: | 79567 |
Airport Operations
Airport use: | Open to the public |
Control tower: | no |
NOTAMs facility: | SJT (NOTAM-D service available) |
Attendance: | UNATNDD |
Wind indicator: | lighted |
Segmented circle: | yes |
Lights: | SS-SR |
Beacon: | white-green (lighted land airport) Operates sunset to sunrise. |
Airport Communications
CTAF: | 122.9 |
ABILENE APPROACH: | 127.2 [OPR 1200-0200Z++ MON-FRI; 1800-2300Z++ SUN; CLSD SAT AND HOL, OT CTC FORT WORTH CENTER 133.5 350.35.] |
ABILENE DEPARTURE: | 127.2 [OPR 1200-0200Z++ MON-FRI; 1800-2300Z++ SUN; CLSD SAT AND HOL, OT CTC FORT WORTH CENTER 133.5 350.35.] |
Nearby radio navigation aids
VOR radial/distance | | VOR name | | Freq | | Var |
TQAr196/19.3 | | TUSCOLA VOR/DME | | 111.60 | | 10E |
ABIr181/32.6 | | ABILENE VORTAC | | 113.70 | | 10E |
Airport Services
Runway Information
Runway 17/35
Dimensions: | 3204 x 50 ft. / 977 x 15 m |
Surface: | asphalt, in fair condition |
Weight bearing capacity: | |
Runway edge lights: | low intensity |
| RUNWAY 17 | | RUNWAY 35 |
Latitude: | 31-57.095873N | | 31-56.567430N |
Longitude: | 099-59.148910W | | 099-59.153095W |
Elevation: | 1865.5 ft. | | 1871.0 ft. |
Traffic pattern: | left | | left |
Runway heading: | 172 magnetic, 180 true | | 352 magnetic, 000 true |
Markings: | , in poor condition | | , in poor condition |
Touchdown point: | yes, no lights | | yes, no lights |
Obstructions: | 5 ft. fence, 201 ft. from runway, 160 ft. right of centerline 5 FT FENCE, 0-199 FT DSTC, 160-196 FT R. | | 4 ft. fence, 201 ft. from runway, 180 ft. left and right of centerline 4 FT FENCE 0-199 FT DSTC-196 FT R. |
Airport Ownership and Management from official FAA records
Ownership: | Publicly-owned |
Owner: | CITY OF WINTERS 310 S MAIN WINTERS, TX 79567 Phone 325-754-4424 |
Manager: | RICHARD HUMPHREYS 129 AVENIDA CORTEZ ABILENE, TX 79602 Phone 325-665-4200 |
Additional Remarks
- | 4 FT FENCE 16-200 FT WEST OF RWY. |
- | FOR CD CTC FORT WORTH ARTCC AT 817-858-7584. |
Instrument Procedures
NOTE: All procedures below are presented as PDF files. If you need a reader for these files, you should download the free Adobe Reader.NOT FOR NAVIGATION. Please procure official charts for flight. FAA instrument procedures published for use from 20 February 2025 at 0901Z to 20 March 2025 at 0900Z.
IAPs - Instrument Approach Procedures |
RNAV (GPS) RWY 17 | |
download (159KB) |
RNAV (GPS) RWY 35 | |
download (187KB) |
NOTE: Special Take-Off Minimums/Departure Procedures apply | |
download (107KB) |
Other nearby airports with instrument procedures:
E30 - Bruce Field Airport (16 nm S)
KDYS - Dyess Air Force Base (29 nm N)
KCOM - Coleman Municipal Airport (30 nm E)
KABI - Abilene Regional Airport (32 nm NE)
KSWW - Avenger Field Airport (40 nm NW)

Road maps at:
Aerial photo |
WARNING: Photo may not be current or correct
Taken in December 2004
Do you have a better or more recent aerial photo of Winters Municipal Airport that you would like to share? If so, please send us your photo.
Sectional chart |
Airport distance calculator |
Sunrise and sunset |
Times for 04-Mar-2025
| | Local (UTC-6) | | Zulu (UTC) |
Morning civil twilight | | 06:40 | | 12:40 |
Sunrise | | 07:05 | | 13:05 |
Sunset | | 18:39 | | 00:39 |
Evening civil twilight | | 19:03 | | 01:03 |
Current date and time |
Zulu (UTC) | 04-Mar-2025 08:02:48 |
Local (UTC-6) | 04-Mar-2025 02:02:48 |
KDYS 29nm N | 040755Z 18011KT 7SM -SHRA VCTS FEW095 SCT120 BKN160 19/16 A2949 RMK A02A SHRAB0747 SLP958 WND DATA ESTMD P0000 T01880163
KCOM 30nm E | 040755Z AUTO 21007KT 10SM BKN029 OVC033 21/16 A2953 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT N T02050155
KABI 32nm NE | 032352Z 16017G25KT 10SM CLR 24/14 A2962 RMK AO2 PK WND 17028/2313 SLP010 T02390144 10267 20239 56022 $
KSWW 40nm NW | 040755Z AUTO 33021G31KT 7SM 17/M09 A2956 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SW AND NW T01661088
KSJT 44nm SW | 040751Z AUTO 19017G26KT 9SM BKN025 OVC037 22/17 A2951 RMK AO2 PK WND 19026/0745 SLP969 T02170167 TSNO
KDYS 29nm N | 040320Z 0401/0507 17015G25KT 9999 BKN210 QNH2961INS BECMG 0405/0406 19025G35KT 9000 VCTS OVC015CB QNH2957INS BECMG 0406/0407 VRB35G45KT 6000 TSRAGR OVC020CB QNH2954INS BECMG 0410/0411 29015G25KT 9999 NSW FEW180 QNH2954INS BECMG 0414/0415 27035G45KT 9999 SKC QNH2957INS BECMG 0420/0421 31035G45KT 9999 BKN100 QNH2954INS BECMG 0423/0500 32025G35KT 9999 FEW130 QNH2959INS BECMG 0500/0501 33015G25KT 9999 FEW150 QNH2965INS TX23/0401Z TN11/0413Z
KABI 32nm NE | 040606Z 0406/0506 18022G30KT P6SM VCTS BKN030CB FM040700 16018G25KT 4SM TSRA OVC025CB TEMPO 0407/0409 VRB35G45KT 2SM TSRA OVC010CB FM040900 20018G25KT P6SM SCT020 FM041600 26028G38KT 6SM BLDU SKC
NOTAMs are issued by the DoD/FAA and will open in a separate window not controlled by AirNav.