FAA Identifier: | AQR |
Lat/Long: | 34-23-54.0200N 096-08-53.0150W 34-23.900333N 096-08.883583W 34.3983389,-96.1480597 (estimated) |
Elevation: | 590 ft. / 179.8 m (surveyed) |
Variation: | 06E (1985) |
From city: | 1 mile NW of ATOKA, OK |
Time zone: | UTC -6 (UTC -5 during Daylight Saving Time) |
Zip code: | 74525 |
Airport Operations
Airport use: | Open to the public |
Activation date: | 02/1938 |
Control tower: | no |
NOTAMs facility: | AQR (NOTAM-D service available) |
Attendance: | UNATNDD |
Wind indicator: | yes |
Segmented circle: | no |
Lights: | MIRL RWY 18/36 OPS SS-SR; ACTVT PAPI RWY 18 - CTAF. |
Beacon: | white-green (lighted land airport) Operates sunset to sunrise. |
Airport Communications
CTAF: | 122.9 |
WX AWOS-3: | 121.125 (580-889-6924) |
Airport Services
Fuel available: | 100LL 100LL:AVBL H24 HR WITH CREDIT CARD. |
Parking: | tiedowns |
Runway Information
Runway 18/36
Dimensions: | 3015 x 60 ft. / 919 x 18 m |
Surface: | asphalt, in fair condition |
Weight bearing capacity: | |
Runway edge lights: | medium intensity |
| RUNWAY 18 | | RUNWAY 36 |
Latitude: | 34-24.146833N | | 34-23.653833N |
Longitude: | 096-08.845667W | | 096-08.921500W |
Elevation: | 589.0 ft. | | 579.8 ft. |
Traffic pattern: | left | | left |
Runway heading: | 181 magnetic, 187 true | | 001 magnetic, 007 true |
Displaced threshold: | 197 ft. | | 233 ft. |
Markings: | basic, in good condition | | basic, in good condition |
Visual slope indicator: | 2-light PAPI on left (3.00 degrees glide path) | | 2-light PAPI on left (3.00 degrees glide path) PAPI UNUSBL BYD 6 DEGS LEFT & 9 DEGS RIGHT OF CNTRLN. |
Touchdown point: | yes, no lights | | yes, no lights |
Obstructions: | 25 ft. trees, 237 ft. from runway, 64 ft. right of centerline, 1:1 slope to clear 20 FT TREES EAST SIDE RWY 18 END. | | 46 ft. trees, 923 ft. from runway, 81 ft. right of centerline, 15:1 slope to clear 18 FT HWY 45 FT FM RWY END; 3 FT FENCE 10 FT FM RWY END APCH CLNC SLOPE 16:1 TO THLD. |
Airport Ownership and Management from official FAA records
Ownership: | Publicly-owned |
Owner: | CITY OF ATOKA 353 EAST A STREET, P. O. BOX 900, P. O. BOX 900 ATOKA, OK 74525 Phone 580-889-3341 |
Manager: | DANNY DELAY 353 EAST A STREET, P. O. BOX 900 ATOKA, OK 74525 Phone 580-889-3341 580-889-3250. |
Additional Remarks
- | FOR CD CTC FORT WORTH ARTCC AT 817-858-7584. |
Instrument Procedures
There are no published instrument procedures at KAQR.
Some nearby airports with instrument procedures:
80F - Antlers Municipal Airport (28 nm SE)
KDUA - Durant Regional Airport - Eaker Field (30 nm SW)
KMLC - Mc Alester Regional Airport (34 nm NE)
KADH - Ada Regional Airport (36 nm NW)
1F4 - Madill Municipal Airport (36 nm SW)

Road maps at:
Aerial photo |
WARNING: Photo may not be current or correct
Photo submitted by NRS, Inc.
Taken in the Fall of 2007
Do you have a better or more recent aerial photo of Atoka Municipal Airport that you would like to share? If so, please send us your photo.
Sectional chart |
Airport distance calculator |
Sunrise and sunset |
Times for 14-Mar-2025
| | Local (UTC-6) | | Zulu (UTC) |
Morning civil twilight | | 06:12 | | 12:12 |
Sunrise | | 06:38 | | 12:38 |
Sunset | | 18:30 | | 00:30 |
Evening civil twilight | | 18:55 | | 00:55 |
Current date and time |
Zulu (UTC) | 14-Mar-2025 13:17:29 |
Local (UTC-6) | 14-Mar-2025 07:17:29 |
KDUA 30nm SW | 141120Z 1412/1512 18013G21KT P6SM FEW250 WS020/20050KT FM141500 21024G35KT P6SM SKC FM141900 23026G40KT P6SM SKC FM150200 24015G20KT P6SM SKC
KMLC 34nm NE | 141139Z 1412/1512 18012G23KT P6SM SKC WS020/20050KT FM141500 21024G36KT P6SM SKC FM150100 22013G23KT P6SM SCT250 WS020/23050KT FM150400 23010G20KT P6SM FEW150 BKN200 WS020/23050KT FM150800 25005KT P6SM BKN120 OVC200
NOTAMs are issued by the DoD/FAA and will open in a separate window not controlled by AirNav.