Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Clark Tesh
on 26-Feb-2022 |
My wife and I flew to Newport News on Feb 1st. The service we received upon landing was outstanding. Our rental car was brought up to the plane and the wonderful line crew assisted unloading the plane and assisted in placing my cover on the aircraft. When we left on Feb 6th we got the same outstanding service. Althing everyone should be commended, one young man, Alex went out of his way. He actually fueled the aircraft and asked questions when he was unsure of something. I will certainly visit Atlantic Aviation again. Thanks everyone.
From Clark Tesh
on 06-Feb-2022 |
My wife and I flew to Newport News on Feb 1st. The service we received upon landing was outstanding. Our rental car was brought up to the plane and the wonderful line crew assisted unloading the plane and assisted in placing my cover on the aircraft. When we left on Feb 6th we got the same outstanding service. Althing everyone should be commended, one young man, Alex went out of his way. He actually fueled the aircraft and asked questions when he was unsure of something. I will certainly visit Atlantic Aviation again. Thanks everyone.