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From Terry Baker
on 03-Jan-2023 |
I flew into Stuart the week after Christmas in a 182. I let the FBO know I was coming several days in advance and I had a rental car lined up to be delivered. When I landed, it was very difficult to determine where to taxi, so I called the FBO on the phone and could not get clear instructions on where to go. When I got to the FBO they had no record that I was coming and couldn't find the rental agreement. After several minutes of confusion, they finally found the rental agreement and the car. The staff seemed to see me as an inconvenience. In their defense, there was a large amount of private jet traffic arriving that afternoon. On the positive side, the FBO facilities were very nice! Also, an observation not related to the FBO – the tower controller working when we arrived was arrogant, rude and extremely unprofessional! In 30 years of flying I've never heard any controller this bad. Yes, he was busy, but it doesn't take much effort to act professional.