Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Steve Bulwicz
on 23-Jul-2024 |
I diverted to Albany on June 26, 2024 for an overnight stay enroute to SE Florida. It was mid-afternoon and I was treated exceptionally well despite only needing 5.7 gallon of 100LL. They chocked and tied my light sport down for the night for an early morning departure. They coordinated a stay at the Merry Acres at a pleasing "pilot" rate. The following morning it was a ghost town at the locked FBO at 0600, but the fuel crew was nearby and happily let me in for the early departure. The new Eagles of America building is immaculate. It was great to reminisce with the staff over the former use of the airport as a 7 year Naval Air Station RA-5 Vigilante base after the Air Force left in 1967.Response from Ann F. Slocumb, General Manager, Eagles of America Albany, Inc. Thank you, Mr. Bulwicz, for your kind words regarding your visit. We are so proud to be in our new facility! Also, thanks for your patience regarding the entrance to the facility. It is difficult to meet our customers fueling needs, and be available to open all of the doors with the mandated security regulations. Hope to see you again soon!
From William Kight
on 08-Jan-2024 |
Eagles is a great stop. I diverted to Albany arriving at 8pm. After a long day, I decided to stay the night. Line service recommended Merry Acres for overnight and they had a good crew rate with prompt van transportation. The next morning, I had a series of minor issues with the airplane and everyone I touched at Eagles was personable and eager to help even though I was flying a piston single- not a FBOs bread and butter customer- that only took 31 gallons to top off. Eagles is a great face of the City when flying GA to Albany.Response from Ann F. Slocumb, General Manager, Eagles of America Albany, Inc. Thank you, Mr. Kight, for your acknowledgement of our company being a face for the City when it comes to General Aviation. It was a pleasure meeting you and we hope to see you again soon at KABY! We should be in our new facility!
From Philip Greenspun
on 24-Mar-2023 |
Great stop in a Cirrus SR20. Borrowed the crew car and went into town to see the Ray Charles statue and the RiverQuarium. The line crew is professional and the temporary building is, well, functional.Response from Ann F. Slocumb, General Manager, Eagles of America Albany, Inc. We are so proud of our line technicians, Mr. Greenspun. We appreciate you autographing your book and we have enjoyed reading through it. Hopefully, when you visit again, we will be in our new facility!
From Brian Black
on 05-Jul-2022 |
Orlando was great, he had the plane fueled up and ready for us to go before we knew it! We also were treated to the red carpet. Very friendly staff!Response from Ann F. Slocumb, General Manager, Eagles of America, Inc. Orlando is a huge asset to our team, Mr. Black, and we appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to mention him. We hope to see you again soon at KABY!