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Speedbird Aero/RD Aircraft

at Columbus Airport

  • Airport management
  • Oxygen service
  • Aircraft parking (ramp or tiedown)
  • Aircraft maintenance
  • Aircraft parts
  • Aircraft management
Contact information
Address:1000 Airport Thruway
Hangar 57
Columbus, GA 31904
United States of America
Telephone: 706-681-8741
Web site:
Comments from AirNav users
Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Dillon Davis on 02-Feb-2025

  Can't thank them enough, I flew down from Charlotte to visit a friend at Fort Benning/Moore. When I got back to my plane and was ready to go, my starter had failed, it was just spinning in the case, no engagement to the prop. I was given RD Aircrafts number by the FBO and they immediately came out, on a Saturday afternoon, and looked over the plane. We decided it would be safe to hand prop it and fly it back to its home base in Charlotte. They hand propped it for me (since I’ve never hand propped a plane before) told me there was no charge, and wished me a safe flight. I would have been happy to pay for the time or even if we could get the starter replaced, and I was told there was no charge! Quick, friendly and really felt like the aviation community we all know and love, where a helping hand is always nearby. Thanks RD!!!
From Drew McKenzie on 18-Dec-2024

  My copilot noticed a small nick in a prop blade during preflight. We were able to get in touch with Richard DesPortes at Speedbird Aero. He quickly and efficiently dressed our blade with a smile on his face and an easy manner. Thanks, Richard.
From Rob Richards on 17-Dec-2024

  I am a maintenance coordinator for a fleet of six King Airs. One of them landed at CSG and the crew noticed a gouge in one of the prop blades. I contacted Richard, he kept an eye out for them, and immediately met the airplane after their flight to correct the issue. Excellent service!
From Mike Day on 01-Dec-2024

  These guys are awesome I emailed Richard after landing at KCSG the day before Thanksgiving and he promptly got back to me in no time and they were able to fit me in and service my collapsed strut so I was able to depart on time after the holiday.. Great great people and a blast to hang out with! I would recommend them to everyone and they are in a great location if you need help!!
From Jonathan Giordano on 27-Jul-2024

  Unfortunately I blew a tire while taxiing off the runway here at KCSG. I called Speed Bird Aero and was answered immediately. I was offered help the same day of the incident and was able to get my plane in to the shop and fixed same day. I appreciate the help from SpeedBird Aero and would recommend to others!
From Andrew Ervin on 03-Feb-2024

  Richard at Speedbird was an absolute lifesaver. I developed a rough engine near CSG and landed it here on a cross-country. Richard dropped what he was doing, helped me diagnose the issue, and got me on any way within a few hours. Absolute gem of aviation community in action.
From Alan Duncan on 19-Oct-2023

  Richard DesPortes of their local AP shop Speedbird Aero quickly helped me fix a flaps issue so that I wouldn't be stranded. Excellent and friendly service!!!
From Bernie Hirsch on 19-Oct-2023

  I stopped here to drop off a few passengers in my PA32 Cherokee Six. 15 gallons minimum to waive a $25 ramp fee. I noticed that one of my main struts was a little low, and the line crew offered to tow my plane to the maintenance hangar at the other end of the field. I told them I would taxi instead, and they guided me with a follow-me golf cart. Richard DesPortes with Quality Aircraft Maintenance (Speedbird Aero on Facebook) took time out of his day to add nitrogen to the strut. He was incredibly helpful and nice, something I really appreciated. Plus, he didn't charge me anything for helping me out. His card lists his phone number as 706-681-8741 if you need any help with your plane.
From David VanWiggeren on 19-Dec-2022

  A few weeks ago on a Sunday, I lost an alternator about 30 miles south of KCSG and landed. Flightways put me in contact with Richard DesPortes from Speedbird Aero, a maintenance shop on the field. The shop was closed, but he and Austin Edwards came in to help me out... Could not have been more knowledgeable and helpful. I was seriously shocked that type of service still exists. Anyway, if you're in the area, Speedbird takes great care of customers.
From George Wolf on 09-May-2022

  These folks were fantastic. Had a minor problem and needed a mechanic. Had one there and he fixed it - bang done! AERO Maintenance, Richard DesPortes was better than excellent, and spotted several squawks that I will address in the annual - sharp eye my friend!
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