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From Mark Spelts
on 22-Aug-2024 |
Don't believe any of their advertising. They tell you no landing fees, however you can't take off without paying them an exorbitant fee if you go to the FBO. After calling and inquiring about parking there to go play golf at Yoch De He, which they say is a reason to stop there, they greeted me on my return from a round of golf with a bill of $225 for letting me park my C340A there. SMF for the same experience is $35 and MCC is $0. Your choice.Response from Gary Pelfrey, V.P., Davis Flight Support, LLC Hi Mark, Sorry you did not have a good experience during your visit. An error was made on our end regarding the type of aircraft you were flying in and there should have been no ramp fee charged. Please contact us so we can provide a refund to you.