Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Lee TR Turner
on 25-Mar-2022 |
Flew into GYH to pickup friends that dropped their jet off for periodic inspections. Helpful ground crew provided quick service, the staff told us about the snacks and drinks available, but the highlight was Murphy! Murphy is a full grown poodle that greets you at the door, ready to play. Great fun!
From Jeff Moir
on 22-Mar-2022 |
I pulled in there with my biplane in need of fuel and a hangar for a couple nights. Sherry, the manager was super accommodating and anxious to provide superior service. Ethan, the line boss came out on a Sunday to open the hangar for my departure. The facility is comfortable with lots of ramp space.