Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Paul Roy
on 13-Jul-2024 |
I know times are different now, but how does a lineman walk on your wing to wipe off a few bugs and not feel at all remorseful for scratching a new paint job? They offered and sadly I accepted so sure, it's my fault. I have never in 40 years of flying treat my plane so poorly. Never. Unprofessional and could care less about what they damage. Shame on you Lyddon. Sorry example of service. Stay away.
From Peter Rez
on 16-Oct-2023 |
If there were an award for best FBO I would nominate Lyddon. They go out of their way to help, first by thoroughly tying down the airplane then by allowing the use of the courtesy car for a few days. Their A&P came in on a weekend to fix a problem so I could get going. Everyone on the staff made the extra effort to make visitors welcome. It was such a contrast from what one gets at major FBOs. If you're looking for a place to stop when crossing the country this is it.
From Clark Baker
on 27-Sep-2023 |
Great stop. Very friendly. The museum is a GEM and well worth diverting for.