Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Bill Norris
on 16-Oct-2024 |
Very friendly and helpful crew here. Lineman directed me to a tiedown spot and offered fuel. I arrived with nearly full tanks, so declined fuel even though the price was very good, and he cheerfully set about to help me with the tiedowns. All around, a very nice facility and a good airport.
From Keith Klos
on 04-Dec-2023 |
Three of us (my Tailwind, a V35B Bonanza, and an RV4) flew to MCW on Nov 29 for lunch at the Mexican Restaurant (Avion Azul) on the field. The folks at North Iowa Air service are excellent and the Mexican Restaurant was also very excellent. Nice airport with nice FBO. Multiple runways and decent avgas prices. Highly recommended for both the FBO and the restaurant.
From John Mullan
on 18-Feb-2023 |
Super friendly people here. They make you feel welcome. They are glad to help. The Mexican restaurant in the terminal is really quite good.