Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Scott Stuart
on 27-Oct-2024 |
Small iron, that's me. Bonanza36. No, you won't park at the front door, but with your parking reservation they'll meet you with a cart to haul you and your gear. Fine lobby, experienced and friendly CSR's. MDW easy in, many vectors and altitudes out, but no problem. Atlantic, well done. Scott Stuart. LNK
From Rick Binkley
on 05-Sep-2023 |
First trip into MDW as a personal flight in a Bonanza. Great experience with the ATC controllers. They were very helpful with a single engine aircraft among the multiple 737s. Fantastic FBO building and staff. The Atlantic staff was friendly and very professional. While the fuel prices are high, the facility and parking fees at Atlantic are as economical as the FBOs 50 miles outside of the Chicago area. And MUCH better than Signature Aviation across the field. If you are visiting downtown Chicago this is the place to land and park. It was easy to get an Uber to downtown. Anytime I come back to Chicago, Atlantic Aviation at MDW is my business partner.
From Scott Stuart, LNK BE-36 N298FM
on 06-Dec-2022 |
I still miss Meigs, but midway the best option...Atlantic again this year, spot on. CSR's are good, line service just right. About :30 to downtown via Uber. Call ahead for parking if overnight, then they will be ready for you, no surprises...Great service, works for me.