Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Dave Cooper
on 19-Jul-2024
I have been flying into Atlantic for more years than I care to remember and I have always been treated like a much bigger plane than I am. I fly turbine bonanza, but they've always treated me like a regular bonanza. And have never tried to rip me off for landing or parking fees or fuel. The FBO is super modern, and it's surprisingly easy to get In-N-Out of this major airport, In spite of the fact that this is the only FBO on the field, they are open about their fees and I think for us single engine guys, it couldn't be more reasonable, so I recommend them UNCONDITIONALLY. Also I have found their general manager John B., to be open and fair and very responsive to any complaints anyone might have.
From Jon Abarr
on 02-Apr-2023
We frequent this facility. It has become virtually impossible to get fuel in a timely manner. Requests for a quick turn are ignored. We've learned to tanker our fuel here.
From Jeff Wilhide
on 27-Jan-2023
No one answers the phone. How can you conduct business when they won't answer the phone?
Response from Atlantic Aviation Hello Jeff, thank you for your feedback. We care about your experience as a customer and would greatly appreciate an opportunity to speak with you directly about your recent interactions. To discuss further, please email us directly at We look forward to speaking with you.