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From Al Cherry
on 24-Jan-2024 |
We were here to pick up 2 pax, get fuel, and lunch, and be on our way. Started with nobody to marshall us to a parking spot. We parked ourselves, set the brakes, and walked to the FBO building. There were about 5-6 line guys in the hangar watching the whole evolution. One finally walked out to us, and we told him the brakes were set and not to move us. They indicated it was OK. When we got in the FBO, we were told that they needed to move the plane, so I went back out and released the brakes. Put in our fuel order, letting them know we were headed to lunch and would depart when we got back. When we came back, the plane had not been fueled. We asked about it and the person on the line radio said they were "fueling it now" There was no truck attached to the plane and none moving on the ramp. About 5 minutes later, the truck showed up. And after wanting us to release brakes so they could move us, the plane never moved. The ramp was not busy so why the poor service?