Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Kelly Strader
on 09-Jan-2024 |
Great Experience with Aviators Plus. The city has decided to compete with Aviators Plus for fuel. The big problem is the City is only during weekdays 8-5. If you are going to need services like a start fuel/cart/catering call Aviators Plus for great service and fuel.
From Laura Laster
on 15-Jun-2023 |
Great airport with 2 nice LPV approaches, self-service pump works perfectly (allows fill up and gives receipts!) and friendly staff that allowed us use of the courtesy car to go visit Blue Bell ice cream! Excellent little fuel stop and good cell reception for getting IFR clearance on the ground for departure.