Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Rick Hannen
on 24-Mar-2024 |
Excellent fuel stop. Fuel was as advertised, but the service and hospitality was way above expectations. Highly recommend this airport. I will be stopping again
From Rick Hannen
on 22-Mar-2024 |
Stopped for gas on the way to Savannah GA. The service was outstanding. Promptly fueled My C182 from the truck for the same price I was going to pay at the self-service pump. Was offered crew car and snacks, but we were on a schedule to get to SAV. So we didn't partake of this wonderful hospitality. Highly recommend this airport. We will stop again
From Michael Mercer
on 18-Sep-2022 |
Dropped in with little notice to see the Bourbon trail. Had not been able to reserve a rental car at the last minute. No problem the FBO loaned us the crew car. Departure the next day in the rain. Lineman came out to fuel the plane - same price as self serve. You don't find many airports this accommodating much anymore. A real gem. We will be back for more Bourbon trail.