Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From John Mahoney
on 19-Jan-2023 |
As of today there is a new payment terminal at the self-serve pumps. Prices might be a little bit higher here but they are drastically lower than PBI. Always great service.
From Karl P. Young
on 16-Aug-2022 |
Self Serve Systems needs repair. If you are based there, you probably understand how to use it, but for a Transient, it is terrible. I spent 45 minutes and 5 tries before I got all my fuel. The main problem with the system is the display, it is virtually unreadable! The lineman from Signature had to help, and he couldn't read it. I was told the system is no longer supported and it will take $35K to replace. I understand Signature F45 may not have enough revenue to do it, but Signature as a large company should be able to get it done.
From Tim Russell
on 01-May-2022 |
Do whatever you can NOT to use this FBO. I was given the option to either pay a $400 fee or 90 gallons of $10 Jet A. I was there for 5 minutes to pick someone up. That, even in the aviation world is absurd. When you read this if you go anyway for whatever reason please post your experience.