Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Brian K
on 29-Aug-2023 |
Single engine fees were high. $58 handling waived with 10 gal, but parking was $63/night.
From Philip Greenspun
on 14-Aug-2023 |
As others have noted, not the greatest airport for the fee-averse. On the other hand, the new facility is magnificent and the Signature staff are competent professionals.
From Martin F O'Loughlin
on 10-Aug-2022 |
Another fantastic experience with SFS KBED. Staff is a cut above. Thanks especially to Patricia, James, and Aquiles for their very personal attention, even though I'm hardly the sweet spot for them as a customer because I was in a twin piston with relatively small uploads compared to their usual customers. They are operating from a relatively small (for SFS) but well-appointed FBO for now awaiting the completion of their grand new terminal. However, the staff is managing to provide amazing service that will make you overlook that temporary issue. I'll be back.
From Don Stoppe
on 24-Jun-2022 |
Fees to drop a friend off in a Cessna 172 at KBED: Signature $120. Twins are much higher. Note: You can drop people off at KLWM at the restaurant for free. Add $15 Massport landing fee to all prices.
From Rakesh Garg
on 28-Feb-2022 |
Racism of full display: we overnighted on their ramp with our TBM 850. The morning of the departure, I was on the ramp preflighting and my wife and family was in their lounge. The ginger haired woman on the counter refused to let them out to go to the plane saying they had to have an escort. My wife and my caucasian copilot told her "they own the plane, have a pilot in the family and are well aware of the procedures". The woman would not let my family to go out of the door!!! Another person at the counter had to intervene and open the doors for my family to come out to the plane. Oh, and zero assistance with the luggage. I had to find my own dolly load it, drag it to the plane, unload it and bring it back. I also picked up trash/FOD that was flying on their ramp while their people stood around. My plane will not go there.