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From Russell Gill
on 09-Apr-2022 |
I have taken my Mooney to Frank at Chandler Aviation for maintenance, annuals, and immediate airworthy issues. I COULD NOT BE MORE PLEASED with both the level of service and the professional work completed. I have used many A&P/IA's around the valley, but honestly, there is no one I trust more than Frank. I most recently took my aircraft to frank (4/2022) with about 8 concerns and squats that I wanted him to look at. I assumed my plane would be down for a week or more, and the bill would more than I wanted to spend. When I check my plane in Frank immediately went out and started looking over the concerns. He spent about 30 minutes looking at every issue and made quick adjustments on most items and told me 6 of the 8 items are well within specs, and operating correctly and didn't need any maintenance. The two other items included a part that he needed to order, which he saved me $$, and fixed an oil leak with a simple gasket. Chandler Aviation and Frank are #1