Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Austin Ford
on 13-Dec-2023 |
A well known and reputable FBO that has grown and improved under great leadership of the FBO Manager and linemen. Attention and services just like at the big FBOs but at a more personal level and has always been the case for as long as I can remember. Everyone that comes through for gas always come back on their way home. They try to keep the AVGAS price as low as they can for the GA community! Seriously a great, friendly, and flexible staff here.
From Dominic Ottaviano
on 22-Nov-2022 |
Dealt with one of the rudest managers at any airport ever. Will never attend any functions held here. Simply made a suggestion they add a city name to a flyer instead of the airport code, as pilots from other areas don't know every code and that there'd be better feedback if the city were listed. Instead of just saying thanks I received a very rude and sarcastic reply on "how to Google an airport code and that they have CFI's that can teach me how to look them up." So Steve S. I won't be attending any functions here and hope no one else does as well.