Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Mary Lou Schaefer
on 15-Aug-2024 |
We parked at Premier during our trip to Watkins Glen. From the time we were greeted on the ramp to the time we left everything was top notch! They offered to help us tiedown and cover our Cessna 172. Great service and attentive staff. Highly recommend.
From K Snead
on 10-Jul-2024 |
If you like to pay extra fees, then you are gonna love this place! To be fair, I think most of the fees were required by the airport, and not by Premier Aviation. The 3.5% fee for using a card to pay for already high priced fuel seemed a bit excessive. The FBO building is modern and clean, and the furniture inside appeared to be new (very comfortable chairs). The FBO staff was very friendly and helpful.