Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From K Snead
on 10-Jul-2024 |
Stopped here for fuel on July 6th. It was quick and easy. They marshaled me to a parking spot and then fueled the plane right away. Everyone was friendly and helpful. Fuel price was reasonable.
From George Henning, N8434M KLPR
on 22-May-2024 |
Hi, We went into Huntington to go to the Blenko Glass Company about a 30 minute drive east in Milton WV. Nice airport, easy in and out, beautiful area just south of the Ohio River. Good, responsive FBO! Called inbound & Line crew met us on the Ramp, blocked us in and we had fuel in 5 minutes. Inside the FBO was nicely done, CSR pointed us on our way to the Rental Car and all the doors worked fine. Outbound all the same, complementary bag of ice for the galley and we were on our way! Outstanding! Thank You Jet Center!