Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Chris Ferraraccio
on 01-Apr-2023 |
Fuel was a good price. Stopped in on way to SnF. No coffee, no sodas, just a couple of waters and 3 bags of chips.
From Jonathan Hahn
on 23-Jan-2022 |
This is the best FBO I have ever visited. I landed as an emergency due to sudden loss of oil pressure. Charlie Martin, manager of Mid Coast and the linemen Jay Harrison and Patrick Howard were unbelievably friendly and helpful. They arranged a place for the night, transport for dinner, and breakfast in the morning. Charlie was able to contact Mitch Velickobich who returned to the airport to work on my plane for hours so that I could continue on my trip in the morning. I felt like I had landed at a FBO run by family (the good side).