Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From David Sbur
on 16-Oct-2022 |
I actually had a great experience with them this weekend. Bryce gave me a ride down to the Terminal to pick up a car, I got the gate code from the girls behind the desk, and some tiedowns to the east had chains but I used my own. Mogas no longer available according to sign on the tank. Fuel prices rather high. High speed pump, be careful on spillage. FBO getting a facelift inside.
From Warren Nagourney
on 08-Jun-2022 |
After using Interstate Aviation for 25 years and having great service, a different owner bought them and their service has plummeted. They no longer provide tiedown chains (users provide their own), they close at 5 PM and weekends are have an $80 charge to let people into the facility to pick ups their plane after hours and no longer provide multi-day use of courtesy cars.