Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Scott Stuart BE-36 KLNK
on 14-Dec-2024 |
Tyler Jet, or Bonanza, they are good, pleasant, check every box. No reason not to go there, every reason to! Nice job, thank you.
From Bill Bennett
on 30-Mar-2022 |
Just wanted to thank the crew at Jet Center of Tyler for helping us with our Socata Trinidad Fly-in last Friday. We had a much larger number of planes and people than originally anticipated. We had 10 planes and 17 people who are a lot more than I told you might show up. Thanks for taking good care of us and allowing use of the large conference room upstairs for our presentation. Also the Sky's the Limit Diner (Next door) was open and took care of our larger than expected group very nicely.