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From Brian Paugh
on 20-Oct-2023 |
Tom, the airport manager has gone above and beyond his job position to assist me on my 2 trips to Manatee. I am from Fort Wayne, IN. I first flew in back in April 2023. I called ahead of time to plan for my arrival. Tom was great in answering my questions prior to arrival. I made my second cross-country to Manatee on October 18, 2023. Due to increased head winds, I was delayed from my arrival time and needed to add additional fuel prior to landing at Manatee. I would have had enough, but I wanted more than just my reserve, as it would be a night landing at Manatee, which I had not done before. Tom stayed after hours for my arrival, made sure the lights were on and even directed my to the tie down! Tome even parked his vehicle so his headlights would shine on the plane for a safer unloading after a long day of flight. The runway is very nice, and everyone I have spoken with is great! If you like to land on grass, give Manatee a try. I think you will be happy you did!