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From Ron Roberts
on 08-Mar-2024 |
Great stop for lunch or just along the way. Fuel prices were a bit foggy with ppg at $7.09 but added fees were: Fed Oil Spill tax: $.00619/g; FL Coastal Protection Trust $0.000048/g; FL Inland Protection Tax $0.01904/g, FL Water Quality Tax $0.001119/g; FET Deficit Reduction Trust Tax $0.194/g FL Aviation Special Fuel Tax $0.0427/g; Airport Flowage Fee $0.25/g. That nets out to $7.60 per gallon, then add the FL Facility Fee $17.85, and the Concession FEE $0.85 So the cost for 13.6 gallons of fuel was $8.40. BUT they offered an airport car at no charge and were friendly and pleasant. Some of those fees were new to me and I live and fly in FL all the time.