Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Matt Guthmiller
on 26-Sep-2024 |
Use the terminal building door and avoid the FBO at all costs. Called to ask them about coming in after hours and they wouldn't even answer whether you could still just use the terminal as I knew you could in the past (and airport manager confirmed you can), just kept saying it's company policy to have at least two line guys there if you're coming in after hours at a cost of several hundred dollars. What a joke.
From Greg Hopp
on 23-Sep-2022 |
Carolyn at the front desk of Atlantic was so helpful as I planned a trip from Ohio to Mass for a few days. She even got me a Hertz rental, which was waiting for me on the ramp when we arrived. The tower controllers were exceedingly helpful too. When I explained I wanted to fly over Westfield State College before heading back to Ohio he said to let him know when I was done over there, and he'd hand me off to Bradley. Super helpful!