Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Ted Louis Glenn
on 23-Feb-2023 |
I was here for the air fair and fly-in. After I parked the fuel truck happened to drive by and the driver proactively asked if I wanted fuel, which he took care of right away.
From Eric Shalov
on 10-May-2022 |
Easy, cheap, well-working self-serve fuel stop. Credit card terminal for fuel pit is through the gate, and around the left side of the building, near the bathrooms. Bathrooms were clean and adequate. Small air-conditioned pilot-lounge building is a lifesaver on a hot Arizona day... Just make sure you have quarters if you want anything from the vending machine. No other food options nearby. They do skydiving on the east side of the field, so make sure you come in from the west.