Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Robert Adams
on 18-Feb-2024 |
Great fuel stop, longer runway and taxiways in great shape, manager pumped fuel for us both ways. Clean rest rooms and waiting areas.
From Don Ferrario
on 03-Oct-2023 |
Best fuel price, quick full service, and nice people. A perfect fuel stop!
From Dennis Frett
on 25-Mar-2023 |
Great little airport. Very good fuel prices and even though it's posted as SS, a staffer usually runs out to provide Assisted Serve. We'll be back anytime we're in the area.
From Ernie Cherry
on 14-Jul-2021 |
Best fuel prices from Florida to New England and very friendly people too. I have stopped here on my route north and south for the last 10+ years.