Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Michael Gordon
on 22-Jun-2022 |
No matter how many times I think of it, I just can't explain it. This is a world class FBO in terms of services and personnel, yet they don't charge a facility fee or for overnight parking. Before flying in last week with my Mooney, I called other FBO's on the field and each were about the same amount, $25 for nightly parking Plus a facility fee, plus plus plus. Then I called ATP and was told there weren't any fees. Although I didn't believe it, I decided to give them a try and it was true. Also, I reserved a car at $40 a day and it was waiting for me. The next time I fly into DAB, there is only one place that I'm going to taxi to.
From Bob Tridle
on 16-Jan-2020 |
We arrived after hours but had talked to the FBO and were given instructions on where to park and how to exit the airport. On our departure they had us all refueled as requested and after a short visit and paying our bill, we were smoothly on our way. Great service and very helpful folks.