Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Mike Dwyer
on 02-Mar-2025 |
Self-serve gas near red top building s of Rwy 29. Save a buck! Restaurant and FBO in terminal bldg is quite good. Outside seating available for plane watching. I wish there were more like this! No one in FBO to order gas so if you see the truck driving around tell him you want gas! Watch for seaplanes when you’re flying, they can go for the lake not the runway.
From Jacob Martin
on 17-Apr-2024 |
At the present time, Winter Haven has one of cheapest prices for SS 100LL in central Florida.
From Joe Jenkins
on 13-Apr-2022 |
What a nice airport and superb staff! I landed at Winter Haven to wait out the Sun N Fun airshow. Upon walking in, I was greeted by the front desk staff. I realized that I had forgotten earplugs for the show. Asked if they sold them and they gave me 2 pairs for my son and I. Had lunch at the restaurant inside the terminal. Although short staffed, our server was super nice to us. I picked up 40 gallons of Mogas for $3.75 a gallon too. I will be back!