Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Michael Bush
on 16-Feb-2025 |
Icing and Mx issues caused me to land in GSO unexpectedly late in the day. Ground advised the FBO options, and I replied, "I'll go with the home team." Next morning, an early morning run-up told me "NoGo, " so I taxied back to Koury's ramp not knowing what to expect. Ronny, lineman, got me in the shop pronto, Joe, DoM, got me signed in and Wayne, A&P, spent several hours patiently deducing the culprits guided by my mechanic in Wisconsin. Meanwhile, Stephanie hosted a stranded pilot with great hotel & restaurant recommendations and crew car to get me there. After an early AM parts delivery, all collaborated successfully, and I was northbound home that afternoon. Next time you fall out of the sky AOG, hope for a friendly FBO like Koury. Just first-rate service & hospitality from everyone I met. Thanks, folks!
From Shalom Wertsberger
on 17-Mar-2023 |
I will never go there again - bad risk management I landed there as a one night stop. During preflight I found a flat main tire on my cirrus SR22. THEY CHARGED ME OVER $800 to REPLACE A TUBE not even a tire, only tube. They were also truly non-professional. Their mechanic tried to remove a long, 1/2" bolt with adjustable pliers, so I gave him MY socket wrench. They did not know how to jack the airplane, tried to use three separate jacks (I gave them the lift pins immediately, but they tried two other jacks and then tried to lift the wing by ducking under the wing tip and pushing with their back, before using the right tool. Despite this clear non-professionalism they charged for every second, and I believe for much more. They charged $600 for labor plus $72 for shop supplies that constituted a cotter pin. FBO crew was nice, but if you need maintenance - you are screwed.Response from Scott Stuart, Manager, Koury Aviation I apologize for the less that ideal experience you had with Koury Aviation Maintenance. However, we do not believe it was "bad risk management." During your preflight, you noticed one of your tires was flat. This problem was observed after our Maintenance Shop was closed. The Maintenance Mgr and the last tech was closing out their Friday and getting ready to head home. You were advised to work on the tire it would be an AOG event with after-hours rates. Due to the position of the aircraft and location of where it was parked, they had to improvise to solve the problem. The tube was normal rate. Shop supplies were normal rate. The issue seems to be the labor rate, which seemed high due to an AOG event, after-hours. Again, we are sorry you had a bad experience.
From John Kramer
on 03-Sep-2022 |
My AngelFlight trip into Koury in June was not an anomaly! Apparently Cathy is THAT nice and efficient with EVERYONE that uses Koury Aviation at GSO. Again, socks for me and my AngelFlight patient... But this time... Secret sauce!! According to the funny label, good for just about any kind of meat AND it cures BALDNESS!! Line guys took care of my A36 as if it was a G6. Thanks to all at Koury!
From John Kramer
on 07-Jun-2022 |
A terrific little FBO amidst a busy airport! Yes, we could have gone to the big boy next door, but I ALWAYS chose the "Mom & Pop", if there is one at a big airport such as GSO. Happy I did. Ms Cathy treated my companion, my AngelFlight patient and me as if we just stepped off a G7, instead of my A-36. SOCKS FOR EVERYONE!! What a terrific idea! Who doesn't need socks! Very much appreciated AngelFlight fuel discount on top of a much appreciated smaller fuel price to begin with than the "big boy" next door.
From Matthew Mellon
on 02-Apr-2022 |
Excellent FBO. No ramp fee, 100LL was competitive, leather sofas, free coffee and popcorn, and super nice people. They have nice courtesy cars (late model Hyundai's). We will definitely be back.