Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Phil Webb
on 27-Aug-2023 |
On a recent stop in, we were charged over $600 Dollars in "facility fees" for a 1.5 hour stop (small business jet). Wow! That's extraordinary! Especially in light of said facilities, which are squarely mediocre at best. We see a lot of FBO's in our flying and there is nothing to warrant such an outrageously high fee - especially if one were to consider in comparison say the Million Air in Austin... Until then, this FBO is way too exorbitant in their charges!
From Phil Webb
on 07-Mar-2023 |
On a recent stop in, we were charged over $600 Dollars in "facility fees" for a 1.5-hour stop (small business jet). Wow! That's extraordinary! Especially in light of said facilities, which are squarely mediocre at best. We see a lot of FBO's in our flying and there is nothing to warrant such an outrageously high fee - especially if one were to consider in comparison say the Million Air in Austin... Until then, this FBO is way too exorbitant in their charges!