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From Ed Frederick
on 10-Oct-2022 |
Super nice FBO. We arrived on 10/7 in a Comanche and were greeted by a super friendly staff and a clean FBO. Had the rental car ready for us and we were on our way in a matter of minutes. Would have been 5 star review except the departure on 10/9 was a bit, shall we say, awkward. The person attending the front desk stated we owed a $100 ramp fee, even though it says in the description here, "No ramp fee for anything on the ramp less than an hour and never for single engine piston aircraft!" The sheet on the counter did mention $100 for twins, but we were in a single Comanche. I pointed that out, and the counter staff said that wasn't correct. So a little bit of a bad taste in my mouth. It wasn't so much the money, but the surprise, and being told I was wrong.