Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Doug Bodine
on 22-Dec-2022 |
SEL (piston)pax drop off Fees quoted by Danica, Mgr: $7 infrastructure + 10gal min @$8.90
From Tony Pfaff
on 13-Dec-2022 |
Typically, I am a avoid Signature at all cost pilot, but I always used TACAir at SLC and Signature is CAA. The staff could not be better or more helpful. I had 2 Angel Flights into SLC this week. Each time the staff was great. Could not be better
From Craig Harnden
on 08-Dec-2022 |
Actually, we often utilize Signature but in good conscience, can not endorse this FBO in Salt Lake City. We love to make positive inputs on AirNav when warranted but this TACAIR/SIGNATURE FBO experience was worse that even Ketchikan AK if you can believe that. Stay away, we will next time for sure.