Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Jeff Bradshaw
on 24-Jan-2025 |
What incredible service! I called up the FBO, got the number for maintenance, and Jimmy answered my call and drove across the airport to the self service fuel where my plane was parked. He picked up my portable oxygen tank and had it filled up by the time I came out of the restroom. Previously my Cirrus had failed to start and Jimmy handled the whole squawk for me (bad starter). What a great maintenance shop! As for the airport itself, fuel prices are usually the lowest in Florida and the runway and FBO are in top shape. Here's to lots of success ... You guys deserve it.
From Drew Gillett
on 19-Dec-2024 |
Was advertised at 4.11 on 12/12/24 now 4.17 still cheaper short cakes and other rests nearby