Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Chris Camadella
on 23-Aug-2023 |
This is one of the best experiences I've had recently at an FBO - the people are absolutely top-notch, the fuel is reasonably priced, and the service is great. I can't say enough good things about our stay at Elizabeth City.
From Steve Weintraub
on 19-Feb-2022 |
Ten stars! I flew in to ECG and had a battery discharge upon flying out, so I returned to the field. Scott, the manager at the FBO, could not have treated me better. There is no repair shop on the field, but he has an arrangement with a shop at a nearby field. He called for a mechanic to come in the next morning (it was already late afternoon when I landed), who did some trouble-shooting and ordered a new alternator, which arrived the next day, and the mechanic came back that day to install it, and I was on my way. But in addition to the repair help I would like to emphasize how incredibly friendly and helpful Scott was in general during my two-day stay there (and what an interesting person he was to talk to). I've been flying for almost 30 years and this is my all-time top FBO!