Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Jimmy Hall
on 24-Jan-2024 |
I must retract my complaint of the slow/no fuel flow. BZ on a perfect fuel flow the last couple of times I have gotten fuel.
From Jimmy Hall
on 20-Sep-2023 |
Please for your safety and the safety of your passengers, do not fly into Hilliard and expect to get avgas. Pumps have not worked correctly in years and I have been told that "thousands have been spent on them", wonder where that money is going? Response from Mike Swain, Airport Manager, Hilliard Aviation Mr. Hall was a drive in customer, he did not fly in. There was a NOTAM in effect for "No fuel available" during his visit to the fuel pump. A pilot flying in would have been aware of the outage. We have indeed had intermittent issues with our fuel farm and have invested considerable time and effort to solve them. Any suggestion otherwise is misguided. There will always be a NOTAM in place for any hazard known to management which includes lack of fuel availability.
From Mike Robinson
on 30-Jan-2023 |
January 2023 and the sand they laid on the ground trying to deal with the softness in my previous post was why it is still now soft. I found out why it was now soft after I wrote previously. They laid sand and now the grass has grown up as it had been before, but still now the sand is so soft blow the grass that even yesterday in January 2023, at least five days since rain it is so soft that it took 1600 to 1700 RPM to keep my Cub moving to the gas pump. 65 up Cub with 2 gallons of gas remaining and I weigh 170 with the fat original Cub tires. So talking with some turf people they said the reason it is this way now, where it used to get hard quickly after rain is the muck below the turf grass would dry out. But now, with the soft sand, they laid up and down the runway and the grass growing back in that the sand keeps the suns ability to dry the muck out below from doing its job, and even when the muck finally dries out below the soft sand, it is still soft sand. This needs to be paved.