FAA Identifier: | F85 |
Lat/Long: | 33-43-52.8008N 102-44-06.2928W 33-43.880013N 102-44.104880W 33.7313336,-102.7350813 (estimated) |
Elevation: | 3747.2 ft. / 1142.1 m (surveyed) |
Variation: | 09E (1985) |
From city: | 2 miles E of MORTON, TX |
Time zone: | UTC -6 (UTC -5 during Daylight Saving Time) |
Zip code: | 79346 |
Airport Operations
Airport use: | Open to the public |
Activation date: | 02/1970 |
Control tower: | no |
NOTAMs facility: | FTW (NOTAM-D service available) |
Attendance: | UNATNDD |
Wind indicator: | lighted |
Segmented circle: | yes |
Lights: | SS-SR |
Beacon: | white-green (lighted land airport) Operates sunset to sunrise. |
Airport Communications
Airport Services
Parking: | tiedowns |
Bottled oxygen: | NONE |
Bulk oxygen: | NONE |
Runway Information
Runway 4/22
Dimensions: | 2710 x 60 ft. / 826 x 18 m |
Surface: | asphalt, in fair condition |
Weight bearing capacity: | |
Runway edge lights: | medium intensity |
| RUNWAY 4 | | RUNWAY 22 |
Latitude: | 33-43.739500N | | 33-44.026000N |
Longitude: | 102-44.404667W | | 102-43.994333W |
Elevation: | 3743.3 ft. | | 3747.2 ft. |
Traffic pattern: | left | | left |
Runway heading: | 041 magnetic, 050 true | | 221 magnetic, 230 true |
Displaced threshold: | 160 ft. | | no |
Markings: | basic, in fair condition | | basic, in fair condition |
Visual slope indicator: | | | 2-box VASI on left (3.00 degrees glide path) |
Obstructions: | 15 ft. road, 201 ft. from runway, 60 ft. left of centerline 15 FT RD, 116 FT DSTC, 135 FT L. | | 15 ft. road, 420 ft. from runway, 14:1 slope to clear |
Runway 17/35
Dimensions: | 1775 x 39 ft. / 541 x 12 m |
Surface: | asphalt, in poor condition EXTSV CRACKING, VEGETATION GROWING THROUGH. |
Weight bearing capacity: | |
Operational restrictions: | RWY CLSD NGT. |
| RUNWAY 17 | | RUNWAY 35 |
Latitude: | 33-44.022167N | | 33-43.729500N |
Longitude: | 102-43.957667W | | 102-43.963167W |
Elevation: | 3746.7 ft. | | 3740.2 ft. |
Traffic pattern: | left | | left |
Runway heading: | 172 magnetic, 181 true | | 352 magnetic, 001 true |
Markings: | basic, in good condition | | basic, in good condition |
Obstructions: | none | | 15 ft. road, 300 ft. from runway, 6:1 slope to clear |
Airport Ownership and Management from official FAA records
Ownership: | Publicly-owned |
Owner: | COCHRAN COUNTY COCHRAN CO COURTHOUSE, 101 MAIN ST MORTON, TX 79346 Phone 806-266-5508 |
Manager: | PAT HENRY COCHRAN CO COURTHOUSE ROOM 105 101 MAIN ST, TX 79346 Phone 806-266-5508 COUNTY JUDGE. EMERG CTC 806-266-5700. |
Additional Remarks
- | 4171 FT MSL, 399 FT AGL TWR, 1.5 NM SW. |
- | FOR CD CTC FORT WORTH ARTCC AT 817-858-7584. |
Instrument Procedures
There are no published instrument procedures at F85.
Some nearby airports with instrument procedures:
KLIU - Littlefield Taylor Brown Municipal Airport (21 nm NE)
KLLN - Levelland Municipal Airport (21 nm SE)
2T1 - Muleshoe Municipal Airport (28 nm N)
F98 - Yoakum County Airport (31 nm S)
KPRZ - Portales Municipal Airport (42 nm NW)

Road maps at:
Aerial photo |
Sectional chart |
Airport distance calculator |
Sunrise and sunset |
Times for 13-Mar-2025
| | Local (UTC-6) | | Zulu (UTC) |
Morning civil twilight | | 06:40 | | 12:40 |
Sunrise | | 07:05 | | 13:05 |
Sunset | | 18:56 | | 00:56 |
Evening civil twilight | | 19:21 | | 01:21 |
Current date and time |
Zulu (UTC) | 13-Mar-2025 12:03:05 |
Local (UTC-6) | 13-Mar-2025 06:03:05 |
KLLN 21nm SE | 131155Z AUTO 28010KT 10SM SCT042 06/M07 A2992 RMK AO2
KLBB 46nm E | 131120Z 1312/1412 28011KT P6SM SCT250 FM131900 22018G28KT P6SM BKN250 FM140100 21011KT P6SM FEW250 FM141000 26025G35KT P6SM SKC
KCVS 48nm NW | 131000Z 1310/1416 27012KT 9999 SKC QNH2989INS BECMG 1315/1316 24010G20KT 9999 SCT200 QNH2969INS BECMG 1320/1321 23015G25KT 9999 SCT240 QNH2962INS BECMG 1401/1402 20012KT 9999 SKC QNH2952INS BECMG 1405/1406 20012KT 9999 SKC WS020/23050KT QNH2946INS BECMG 1408/1409 23025G35KT 8000 BLDU SCT050 510003 QNH2944INS BECMG 1409/1410 25030G50KT 3200 BLDU BKN050 530005 QNH2944INS BECMG 1411/1412 26035G55KT 2800 BLDU SCT050 530005 QNH2946INS TX21/1322Z TN04/1313Z
NOTAMs are issued by the DoD/FAA and will open in a separate window not controlled by AirNav.