Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Richard Traunero
on 19-Feb-2024 |
Tower closed indefinitely, so it's a pilot controlled field. No problem. Came to pick up a Lifeline patient passenger, kind of surprised to find the FBO closed due to Presidents Day. Had to use the CTAF code to enter the building, no one around at all. Found a couple mechanics in the hangar, they said no one else around. Had to let my passenger in, as all doors locked. Good thing they offered self serve fuel, as I needed fuel. Finally, got it all worked out and departed. Would have been much easier to deal with it all if airport had been attended.
From Charles White
on 31-Mar-2023 |
Diverted here for weather ended up staying overnight. They loaned me the crew car overnight to get to and from the hotel. Really nice facilities and fuel price was reasonable...