Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Larry & Norma Armes
on 27-Sep-2022 |
We were immediately marshaled in. Our rental car was conveniently waiting right there. It was shift change so we were fortunate enough to meet Brenda, Karen and Laurie. They were all so welcoming, friendly and professional. Gorgeous facility and we were looked after so well. So glad we chose to land here, fuel up, and spend a few days before we fly back to Canada. Excellent FBO.
From Mark Dymond
on 07-Aug-2022 |
Came here from Fond du Lac to pick up rental vehicle that was supposed to be at FLD. We were parked for 3 days on grass. We paid $25 total for grass parking, and $7.80 for fuel. They topped us though I didn’t request any fuel. After parking, and staking plane, had a short wait for a shuttle van to take us to the FBO. We schlepped our luggage into the FBO, then I had to wait 45 min for a shuttle to other side of airport to fetch rental, then drive about 5 mi back to GA side of airport. And repeat on departure. FLD is so much easier!! Personnel were short but polite. Very nice FBO. They were busy. Departure was a PITA though. We were 13th in line for T/O. Controller would have a plane on 6 mi final but wouldn’t release a take off. Took us 50 min to finally take off. This is a beef against the ATC tower controller, not the FBO.