Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Ryan Miller
on 15-Oct-2024 |
Rider Jet Center is a perfect example of how every FBO should be operated. No exorbitant fees, very friendly and courteous staff, crew car, fantastic restaurant, and immaculate facilities. I've stopped in many times and never had anything but an excellent experience.
From Rae Ricker
on 05-Dec-2023 |
We have worked with Rider Jet Service and the service is always top notch.
From Lucy Ooi
on 07-Mar-2022 |
Wonderful FBO! I flew here in a little two-seat plane, but they still treat you like you flew in on a multimillion-dollar jet. They literally bring you out a little red carpet. Fantastic service and friendly people. Full service fuel is a tad pricey, but they have a good price on self-serve. The tower is friendly, and the restaurant in the FBO is one of, if not THE best airport restaurant around!
From Adam Zucker
on 22-Feb-2022 |
Flew in for breakfast at the Runways Grill in our Bonanza. As we pulled up to Rider it looked like one of the places that catered to Jet A burning Biz jets, While I'm sure they do we were treated very well as were the two 172s that pulled in after us. The line crew was super friendly and helpful. The fuel prices were reasonable plus you get a discount if you eat at the Grill. The desk staff was friendly as well and the facilities were great. All around a good experience. Those mega FBOs that only want to sell Jet A and charge the tar out of you could learn a lesson from Rider.