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From Jeff Billups
on 15-Mar-2022 |
I was flying from BOI to PSP and stopped at KHTH for fuel. After fueling my engine would not start. I had Betty's phone number from an earlier call to her inquiring about fuel prices and availability. She quickly came out to the airport in her nice airport truck. She was so kind and helpful and allowed me to jumpstart my airplane with her truck. Tony also arrived to help out. They both where so kind and helpful. On my return of course I chose KHTH for a fuel stop. The facilities are amazing, runway, taxiway, ramp and fuel pumps are in EXCELLENT condition. Betty heard me on the Unicom and said, "I'll be right out there". I am glad I got to see her again and thank her personally for saving the say. This will be my preferred fuel stop going to southern CA from now on. Betty and Tony are true treasures for this great airport.