Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Kevin DeTray
on 10-Dec-2024 |
We are a frequent visitor to Pipestone and Rob and Tony have always been very accommodating and helpful.
From Jill Smith
on 03-Aug-2022 |
I just called to see about Jet A pricing and single point. When I asked if they had single point, I was told "sort of. It's not that easy to put on." And he sounded like he did NOT want to do it... I said I guess we wouldn't be coming in then. He said ok. And that he did not want to put the single point on. Wow... Doesn't care about a good fuel sale, and unless he owns the airport or facility and doesn't care I don't think this was good business...