Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From D Petersen
on 15-Mar-2023 |
Busy airport, training aircraft present, cool airport adjacent to marina, super close to food and hotels, plane not pulled off of tie down before departure after overnight, plane hanging off edge of ramp at main gear, holes/uneven ground made it difficult to preflight and load baggage, nearly twisted an ankle
From Ralph Greenawald
on 17-Oct-2022 |
Service at Sheltair is top notch, and the facility is very nice. On arrival they directed me to park right in front of the terminal then later moved my airplane a short distance and tied it down securely for the night. When I returned the next morning it had been fueled per my request. Very friendly employees. Great FBO, great airport.
From Ron Roberts
on 02-Aug-2022 |
Still no self serve fuel. Professional operation at the FBO. Friendly staff and super venue and hangout with great restaurant upstairs. Field is a bit hard to find coming in from the Northwest. It is behind several large high rise buildings. Many hotels available, and St. Pete is not the same town of your grandmother's.
From Douglas I. Kirkland
on 21-Jul-2022 |
Great location, great service, and Hangar Restaurant is super! SS fuel is out of service awaiting parts, supply chain issue. It could take considerably more time, and it has been down for quite awhile!