Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Jake Williams Jr
on 18-Sep-2023 |
"Jake" NOT from State Farm I stopped in on 11 Sep. 2023 to visit with family members for an one hour and a half was given a crew car excellent service. Only negative is landing fee very high $35 but it was waived because I got fuel. If you get 20 gallons or more it'll be waived. I got to the self-service pump and it wasn't working, so Kent came out with the truck and gave me full service at a "very very good discount rate". I won't say how much discount was I don't want to get Kent in any trouble, but great job Kent. Thank you for the service, God bless.
From Dale Simpson
on 03-Oct-2022 |
Flew in Saturday and the lineman went out of his way to help at the fuel pump and tying down the airplane. When I left Sunday morning I asked about a tie down fee. $40!!! After buying 49 gallons of fuel (over $330) they did not waive the overnight tie down for my Mooney. This the most I have ever paid for a tie down, large or small airport. It is their right to charge what they want but I want to prepare my fellow pilots for the sticker shock.