Comments are submitted by their authors and do not reflect the opinion of AirNav, LLC. All comments must adhere to AirNav's Policy on Comments.
From Keith Klos
on 31-May-2023 |
Stopped in for fuel in my Wittman Tailwind on our way to fly the NYC corridor. Surprisingly busy airport but no problems. Nice facility and people. Launched from there up thru the Hudson Corridor. Great stop. Would stop again.
From Chris Karpenko
on 01-Aug-2022 |
I have been coming into KWWD for a number of years. And EVERY time Chip and the crew at Flightlevel aviation have been great. Professional, helpful, and all around a good place to go to. The airport is surprisingly busy, as many people in the Cape May area don't realize it. 4th of July for example had a dozen planes in and out over by the FBO while I was there for a brief 45 mins. This is one low profile and probably undervalued facility as they just make it all work, and do it seamlessly. Corporate or GA. It was worth making the effort to put this comment in AirNav.
From Bruce Shuart
on 13-Jun-2022 |
Had to land at WWD on a Sunday due to weather. The guys at FlightLevel are the best, very accommodating nice pilot lounge, good fuel prices. A diner at the opposite end of FlightLevel and a gourmet hot dog place within walking distance.